Call For Submissions

Submission Choices:

The Root Experience is looking for creatives in these areas (Apply to one or multiple!):

  • Vendors

  • Performers

  • Filmmakers

  • Artists to submit to the Gallery Exhibit

  • Volunteers

Awards & Prizes:

Each film that receives an official selection will receive an honorarium.
No awards or prizes for category winners at this time.

Rules & Terms:

#1. All International films and artists are welcome to apply.
#2. All filmmakers must identify as BIPOC. (BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Pronounced “bye-pock,” this is a term intended to center the experiences of Black and Indigenous groups whom demonstrate solidarity between communities of color.) 


Each performer, filmmaker, gallery exhibiting artist, and facilitator that receives an official selection will receive an honorarium.

How to Apply:

Stay Tuned for instructions!

How to Volunteer:

We are looking for volunteers to help at the event for the 5 days of programming. Reach out to this email provided, if you are interested – We'd love to have you!

How to Become a Sponsor &/ or Partner:

We are looking for sponsors and partners to help support the artists and facilitators in The Root Experience Festival. Reach out to this email provided, if you are interested – We'd love to have you!


Contact us with any questions.